Friday, March 25, 2011

Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure

I am supporting the 2011 Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure®, a special event which raises money for much needed breast cancer research, education, screening, and treatment programs.  Last year, 17,000 people participated in the Race and raised more than $1.7 million for research and treatment programs. This year’s race will be held on Mother’s Day weekend – Saturday, May 7 at Atlantic Station and our goal is to raise $2,000,000!    
If you are interested in participating in the Race, I would love to have you join my team, Pink Peaches.  Please feel free to contact me via e-mail, or check out  for more Race information.  If you prefer to donate by credit card, you can give online at by clicking on the ‘Race for the Cure’ link, then ‘Donate to a Participant, and then search for my name. 
We also have a Sleep for the Cure donation option for those individuals who do not want to run or walk on Race Day.  Registration for Sleep for the Cure is $40, and participants will receive a Komen Atlanta Race for the Cure® t-shirt, which will be mailed in the weeks after Race day.  There are many volunteer opportunities on Race day as well and we welcome your support.  To volunteer on Race day with set-up and organization, please e-mail  

 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

1 Corinthians 9:25-27 (New International Version, ©2011)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

My Vows to Tommy,

The following is the conclusion of the Love Dare:

My Vows to You:
Tommy, you are the most wonderful being on this planet. I knew I was in love with that moment in the commons area in high school, and from that point on I knew that I wanted to marry you so I did. This marriage is my utmost concern and number one priority. I feel that other than having a child, marriage is the ultimate show of love and devotion. As a little girl I always dreamed of having a loving husband that tells me Im beautiful and he loves me, every day. A husband that was always there for me through thick and thin, never wavering by my side the entire time, with a shoulder for me to cry on. A husband is willing to let me follow my dreams. A husband that is educated with manners. A husband who is not afraid to tell me how he feels and shows his emotions. A husband that wants the same things out of life that I want. And you do. I know we havent been married a year but we have been through so much and I love you all the more for it, though I havent been able to love you to the fullest extent until I let the love of Jesus Christ into my heart and flow out through my veins. From this moment on I vow to be a better wife and Christian. I promise you that I will be faithful, worthy of your trust, and love. I vow to honor you, cherish you, love you, respect you, laugh with you, cry with you, and support you in your goals, for the rest of our lives. I love you.

Day 40's Dare:
God revealed His love for me and the true meaning of my marriage with Tommy. I view my marriage as the most important relationship I have, besides my relationship with God. I am eternally committed to God and Tommy. I will share this as a testimony with everyone because if it were not for the Love Dare it could have taken me years to find God, if I found Him at all. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 40 Love Is A Covenant

Day 40
Love is a covenant

Where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God. –Ruth 1:16

Write out a renewal of your vows and place them in your home. Perhaps, if appropriate, you could make arrangements to formally renew your wedding vows before a minister and with family present. Make it a living testament to the value of marriage in God’s eyes and the high honor of being one with your mate.

Today’s Questions:
What has God revealed to you during the Love Dare? How have your views of your marriage changed? How committed are you to God and to your spouse? Who can you share this with as a testimony?

He has remembered His covenant forever. (Psalm 105:8)

Yesterday’s Dare:
God helped me be completely honest with Tommy in writing the letter and tell him about the Love Dare. I expect him to smile and come up to me and say thank you, but other than that not too much. I have learned that I have a short fuse with the one I love the most on this Earth and that is not right. I need to work on that before it begins causing more problems than our relationship can handle. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 39 Love Endures

Day 39
Love endures

Love never fails. –1 Corinthians 13:8

Spend time in a personal prayer, then write a letter of commitment and resolve to your spouse. Include why you are committing to this marriage until death, and that you have purposed to love them no matter what. Leave it in a place that your mate will find it.

Today’s Questions:
What were some of the hesitations you had in writing this letter? How do you expect your spouse to respond to it? How did God help you in writing it, and what did the process teach you about yourself?

He delights in unchanging love. (Micha 7:18)

Yesterday’s Dare:
Right now Tommy’s greatest tangible desire is for us to finally get a place of our own! I am helping as much as I can but money is the reason we haven’t already and the fact neither of us can really agree on what we need. I think he would be a little more appreciative if he knew that his desires and dreams were my top priority. I am going to do my best to help him with obtaining our own place with a few small gifts here and there, like the xbox he wants. 
His other desire is for me (and I'm just guessing) to learn to control myself and become a better wife, the wife he deserves. I am a selfish person concerned with only myself and feelings excusing my actions and words because of stress and depression and truthfully thats just dumb. I don't quite know what Tommy would say if he knew changing myself for him was a priority of mine, but I am attempting to control my anger for him. 

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 38 Love Fulfills Dreams

Day 38
Love fulfills dreams

Delight yourself in the Lord; and He will give you the desires of your heart. –Psalm 37:4

·        Love calls you to listen to what your mate is saying and hoping for.
·        Love calls you to remember the things that are unique to your relationship,  the pleasures and enjoyments that bring a smile to the other’s face.
·        Love calls you to give when it would be a lot more convenient to wait.
·        And love calls you to day dream about these opportunities so regularly that their desires become yours as well.

Ask yourself what your mate would want if it was obtainable. Commit this to prayer, and start mapping out a plan for meeting some (if not all) of their desires, to whatever level you possible can.

Today’s Questions:
What has made you resistant to fulfilling your mate’s desires in the past? How would it change your relationship if they knew their dreams were a priority to you? What desires are you attempting to meet?

God is able to make all grave abound to you. (2 Corinthians 9:8)

Yesterday’s Dare:
I can encourage him to pray by himself and include me in his decision making and hopefully then he will warm up to praying as a couple.